Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Day 2: Birdhouse Writeup

Today was a smashing success compared to day 1. I was able to put together the entire main structure, excluding the floor. While this design is almost certainly an easy task for someone with marginal experience, I feel very accomplished.

In the day 1 writeup I mentioned picking up oak wood in place of cedar. Instead, I picked up pine which I like the look, feel, and price of more. However, I would love to put together some houses with 1/2in cedar boards in the future if I find them near me.

In the next iteration of the design I would like to add dowels for support between the pieces. Right now it is held together only with glue. I plan on sanding, staining, and painting the current piece as well as adding a latched bottom. (I also might put it on a post?)

At Lowes, I picked up some extra quick grips and Valspar sealer. I also grabbed a few natural yellow and green toned paint swatches. At Home Depot, I swapped out my smaller Forstner bits with a larger set.

Success of today:
    * Put together main structure with good cuts.
    * Overall piece looks great.

Challenges today:
    * Getting the cuts and angles right for the wall and roof pieces.
    * Learning to use the Forstner bit on handheld tool. (Maybe buy a drill press in the future?)

Moving forward:
    * Add latched bottom to this piece.
    * Finish this piece with sand, seal, paint, etc.
    * Learn how to use dowels for added support.

All the best,

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